Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Underdog Freaks of America

Before I go on with this post, we must first say the "Plead of Allience":
I plead allience
To the flag
Of the underdog freaks of America
And to the rebels
In which they land
One Nation
With poverty, and discusted by all.

Now on with this post!

I have a dream that everyone would find their functional part of society. I don't mean to change people until they do, but to use their weekness as their strength. Take even prisoners, who are you to say they don't deserve to live? Even if they are America's Most Wanted serial killer, that may mean they need to live more. Don't mistake this as sympathy for them, this isn't about them, but us. Everyone is put on this earth to make an impact, whether good or bad. If a Noble Peace Prize awarded saint came here to bring good, he/she would have to even that out with a juvenile delinquent past or having a bitter senior faze. With that said, and evil mastermind needs to balance his mostly bad behavior with... I dunno, community service. If you just kill the criminal off, in a way, he's getting away with his crimes. Does he get time to reflect on his actions? Does he get a chance to redeem for his past? You see, good is not the absence of evil nor vise versa. Evil without good is blah. Good without evil is blah. If we were meant to have one without the other, we would have. It's a balance. I know it sounds like Eastern philosophy crap, but maybe Eastern philosophy crap has a point! I remember a quote from the Tao Te Ching that caught my attention:
"Between Yes and No there is how much difference?
Good and Evil can be compared."

When I said about everyone having a functional part in society, I mean EVERYONE! Even the mentally impaired, even the elderly, even the physically impaired, even your dog. Anyone considered a burden to society. Whether the geek in your classroom or the man living in his mother's basement, they have something to offer. And this is coming, hypocritically, from an awkward teenage girl who is seventeen and cannot drive, has no work, hardly get's out of the house, and recently dropped out of school for homeschool. Yes, I have a place on this planet, too. Not to say this would be easy. I have a step-sister I hate and wouldn't care if she died (thank god I haven't seen her in two years!). She's going down the wrong path. Would hating her make her better? Does that make me a better person? No. She needs help. She has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and needs counseling. Instead, she ran away to her biological mom's and skips school and does who knows what else. Who knows, by the time we've healed the underdogs, maybe we would have found a cure for the sociopathic Alphas and their mindless droids we call "normal people".

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