Yay! Since this is a "psychology blog", I get to tell you my dreams each monday! Dreams are mix-up info stored in you subconscious relaying entertaining stories just for you! I have dreams so often I have a few to spare. I can have a dream every night. Sometimes a few times in one night.
Anyway, I rarely have decent dreams, so the other day I had a relatively decent dream, so I'll tell you that one first:
I lived in a house with a Washington-like forest (the state, not capital) next to it. One of my best friends from Washington was my neighbor (I live in Oregon now) and mom let me walk over to see if she could spend the night. I went through the forest besides the side of the road. Following my intuition, I was in time to save an elderly handicapped man from falling down a hill/drop-off. My friend got her stuff to go. On the way back, there were drawers lined up with popcorn and salad in them that I had to clean. Then my mom went to me and had a serious conversation about me insulting my uncle. I didn't remember doing that. My uncle showed me a pin in my Pinterest page with a conspiracy theory on it. It warned that no woman should pin that pin and I did anyway. By the time my friend and I actually got back to my house, it was dark.
The dream changed. I went to an event at the library where you could have a conversation with old Jane Goodall (my hero) and ask her questions. Not many people came. We sat at a dinner table that had exotic looking fruit and french toast (but I couldn't have the french toast because I'm on the paleo diet). I munched on the fruit. Everyone was having a conversation about the second Harry Potter (the dream flashed to the part before he found he couldn't go through platform 9 3/4 and when he almost fell out of the flying car while looking for the train). They were sharing stories about misuse of muggle items (bewitched muggle items) and the Ministry of Magic. At one point I said something and Jane playfully hit me with a long strand of dry grass. I picked up one of the fruits and broke it open to try and find the seeds so we could plant it at home (no luck). Jane showed us a song with her guitar and someone else showed us their song. I also remember wearing my Jane Goodall shirt.
That dream probably occured because my suconscious took pitty that I felt lost (see first post), and tried to remind me of the stuff I like.
I then had this weird dream last night.
I was dressed in my sock monkey pjamas and underneath I had on a colorful one-piece swimsuit. Part of my bathingsuit revealed my breast. I was in the bathroom staring at myself in the mirror. My breast had several raise lumps like extra nipples. They eventually got bigger and rectangular and grew grey (mold-like) fuzz making grey fuzzy balls on my breasts. My mom came in the bathroom to look at it, and my step-dad was peeking in with her. She said they wouldn't do anything about it and I'm fine. I was suprised she said that, but figured I could scratch the fuzzballs off my breast.
Interpretation: Oh my god! I have breast cancer! (Kidding) Actually, I have weird dreams like this around the time my period starts. I think it is because of hormonal imbalance (I have excess estrogen, I try to stay away from all things with soy to lessen the dysmenorrhea). One time I had a dream I was filling out a questionaire that asked if I had ever had prostate cancer. I wrote: "No. That would be awkward because I'm a girl."
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