Monday, February 10, 2014

This Is For The Fat Lazy CEO's and Their Drone-Like Worshippers

Who are you to sit on your fat lazy ass watching TV and eating Mickey D's? Do you care if you wreck the forest, putting species yet to be discovered in their graves? This is said way too much. Way, way too much. Why hasn't much been done about it? Orangutans, for example, are critically endangered! Many are housed in orphanages and can't go back to the wild because there's nothing to go back to. They'd get killed anyway out there. Oil Palm plantation workers get paid for each orangutan slaughtered. They get doused with patrol and set aflame! They get butchered by machetes! They get buried alive!

 Not a pretty sight, right? Yet you'll probably forget this in a few weeks...
                                                               Out of sight, out of mind...
Why? Because some rich guy at the top wants more zeros at the end of his digital bank acount. Why? To get the next model of private airplane? To ensure his spoiled offspring doesn't have to work a day in his life? To get the next size up in mansion? I don't know.

What hope do we have if peaceful protesters who try to protect forests, animal rights, and their families health (even from whereever you live) get attacked by the very protectors of their country (the police). Protesters fight back and they get life sentences as "terrorists".

We could quietly protest with our purchases, our planting, and our reusing. Buy local, organic food we can't afford until Monsanto decides to plant a plantation right by our sources, stop spraying chamicals on our lawns until we have to pay a fine (we also can't afford), walk instead of driving (unless you live 20 miles from the store you want to get to), start homesteading until you get fined for your loud chickens, forage for food in the least polluted piece of forest (illegal), and reuse old, patched clothes until people look at you funny. Even this Wouldn't be enough! Majority of the damage comes from major cooparations anyway.

Damn hippie. That's what I am, just because I care. Just because I have a brain and am not a damn robot. Somehow caring is a negative thing. It is often said, but we're afraid of actually doing it. Because we'll fail. Because we'll be hurt. Because we don't want to feel hopeless, which, ironically enough, is a familiar, everyday emotion. Because we wallow in shame we prefer to forget through the tube, many species, including our own, is at risk. Does my word count? No. I'm writing (before I typed this to my blog) with a plastic pen on a bleached notebook. At least it claims "Sustainable Forestry Initiative", whatever that means. Compare that to how much damage we've done, what does that really do? Gone goes Borneo, gone goes the Amazon, gone goes your backyard.

Well, if you find me in prison, you know why. Among the murderers and drug trafficers would be me, the hippie.

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